

Hi! We are group F! First, we went to the 100 am shopping mall. There were various kinds of shops. We bought sweets and other food at Donki. Second, we went to Chinatown. Then we ate Chinese food. We bought souvenirs. Third, we went to Cit…


We are group E! First, we went to Sir Stamford Raffles Landing. Singapore was developed by him. Second, we went to China town. We bought souvenirs there. Third, We went to food center. We ate lunch there. We ate BBQ beef. Finally, we went…


Hi! We are group D! First, we went to National Museum of Singapore. This place was very nice! We learned about the history and environment. The projection mapping collaborated with Team Lab was beautiful. The next place was Arab Street. Th…


Hi! We are groupC! First, we went to Don Don Donki. After that, we went to the inside of the temples and shrines. They were very mystical. For lunch, we had chicken rice at a hawker center. It was different from the chicken rice in Japan. …


Hi, we are group B! We went to Arab street, food court, National gallery singapore and Rivo city with Deepa. We saw many beautiful views. We enjoyed this sightseeing and had a good day.


We are group A. First, we went to Arab street. Mosque was very big and beautiful! Next, we went to Orchard road. We bought souvenirs. The third place we visited was National Museum of Singapore. We learned about the history of Singapore. …


現地の大学生とシンガポールをまわるB&Sプログラムのスタートです!行き場所はグループ次第!17時までたっぷり大学生と交流を深めます! それぞれのグループがどんな1日を過ごしたのか、今日の夜に生徒作のブログを配信予定です!


おはようございます。3日目の朝です! 朝ごはんを食べて今日の行き先の最終確認です!